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Resource Packs [WIP]

Resource Packs

Resource Packs enable you to modify certain assets of Minecraft or Mods, like SWEM.


You can use Resource Packs to:

  • Modify default horse coats
  • Modify entity animations
  • 1.20.1-1.5+ Add new animations
  • Modify default horse model
  • Modify item inventory or block textures


Resource packs are an override, meaning the content a resource pack contains will replace the default asset.

You cannot* use Resource Packs to:

  • Add new coats*
  • Add new entities or breeds (see section on model overrides)

* There are some clever Resource Packs out there with entity variations, but this is not straightforward or simple!

[EXPAND] Model Overrides

Several talented Creators have created "Add On" Resource Packs with "breed" models, or custom features (ie mane variations).

  • Packs may include one option (ie Arabian or Fjord)
  • Packs may support multiple breeds +/- features
  • Packs may support the default model coats (ideally) or override it entirely


Model Overrides are used at your own "risk" and support for issues should be sought via the Pack Creator not SWEM.

How do they work?

  • In simple terms, it works by adding extra blocks to the default model
  • If a coat artist leaves the blocks uncolored (invisible) you will see all / some of the default horse
  • If a coat artist colors the blocks in, you will see those additional blocks on the default horse
    EXAMPLE If a coat texture color in blocks added around the hoof, a horse would have "feathers"

Can I use more than one model?

  • If you install multiple model override packs, only the highest in load order will apply
  • If you want models from different Creators, they would have to merge their packs

Can I use model overrides with a community pack or coat replacement resource pack?

  • If the model does not modify (only add on to) the default model, custom coats should work fine
  • If not, this may 'break' default or custom coats Example: Horses with no mane or tail using some models
  • It might be rare to get a 'custom model coat' if you are mostly using ones designed for the default model

Can I use model overrides with an animation pack (ie Dressage animations)?

  • TBC  It is unlikely custom models will support all animation packs
  • If you load a model pack above an animation pack, it will override any animations they both share
  • If you load a model pack below an animation pack, it may not correctly animate the custom model

Can I use model overrides on a server?

  • SERVER You may be able to install a model resource pack server-side
  • CLIENT (PLAYER) If you install a model override in multiplayer, only you will see it
    → Read the section about community packs + coat replacements above (may affect what you see in game)
    →  TBC  Server packs may override client side unless you can opt out of using it


Model overrides use copyrighted SW assets and must be FREE USE ONLY
→ You can accept optional donations
→ You can sell coat textures that require your add on, provided it is 100% your own work (no SW coat edits)

  • You should not modify any of the core blocks involved in tack rendering
  • You should add to (not modify where possible) the model to avoid breaking default + custom coats
  • You will need to adjust the default animations for any additional blocks added
  • You should be able to (optional) add support for custom animations in animation packs
    → Consent may be required to include a modified animation from other Creators
    →  TBC  If add on models can support "new" custom animations via 1.20.1-1.5+ features

Creating Basic Resource Pack Files

This guide covers how to create a basic resource pack folder. Alternatively, download the premade  [TEMPLATE]  on Discord.

[EXPAND] Instructions


  1. Create a new folder
    → It can be anywhere for now (ie Documents)
  2. Name your resource pack
    → This can include capitals, some symbols and spaces
  3. Go inside the folder
  4. Create a new folder here
  5. Name it assets
    → This must be in lowercase exactly as shown


  1. Open a blank text editor file using Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac)
  2. Paste in the pack template (below)
  3. Edit the template to your pack
    description Any information to display in game ✅ "description": "Pack Name V1.0 By Creator Name" 
         Note:  Supports color + format &l&9Pack Name V1.0 &0By &dCreator = Pack Name  V1.0 By Creator
    → pack_format Which format (MC version) is supported ✅ "pack_format": 15 = MC 1.20 - 1.20.1
         Note:  Format gives a harmless warning when a resource pack is used in other versions (even if it works fine)
  4. Select file > save as
  5. Select the resource pack folder (not assets)
  6. Name the file pack.mcmeta in lowercase
  7. Save as the correct file type:
    Windows: Save As Type: All Files (Drop down menu, change from .txt)
  8. Check it displays as a MCMETA file type in your folder
[EXPAND] pack.mcmeta Template

  "pack": {
    "description": "Text Here",
    "pack_format": 15


  1. Choose or create an icon for your pack
  2. Name it pack and save it as a .png
  3. Paste it in your resource pack folder (not assets)


Go to the section(s) below for the content you want to add.

Custom Coat Overrides

This is to override one or more default coats - to add new coats use a Community Pack!

This guide will not cover how to create a coat, for information please read our resources on Discord.

[EXPAND] Instructions


  1. Create your coat texture in Blockbench
  2. Choose a coat to override from the list of default coats
  3. Save the texture as a .png file
  4. Name the texture to match the coat it will replace


  1. Go inside assets
  2. Create a folder called swem
  3. Inside that, create a folder called textures
  4. Inside that, create a folder called entity
  5. Inside that, create a folder called horse
  6. Inside that, create a folder called coats
  7. Paste your texture file here
    → If you have more than one override you can add them also


  1. Your pack is ready and may work unzipped
  2. You can zip it so it is easier to share or keep it unzipped to add new files
    → If your zip does not show up in game, check your files are not too deep
    ✅Pack Name (Zip) > assets / pack.mcmeta / pack
    Pack Name (Zip) > Pack Folder > assets / pack.mcmeta / pack
  3. Load into Minecraft
  4. Open the Resource Pack menu
  5. Open the folder (button)
  6. Paste in your Resource Pack
  7. Enable the Resource Pack
  8. Check it is working in game
    → Summon the coat you chose to override
    → Confirm it uses the replacement coat, not original
    → Check there are no texture errors and it looks correct on the horse

This page will not provide any resources for troubleshooting errors with texture files.
You can look up a tutorial for texturing entities or ask for assistance with details on your issue in our Tech Help channels.

[EXPAND] Default Coat Names


📂 TXP_name
📂 assets 📂 swem
📂 textures
📂 entity
📂 horse
📂 coats
🖼️ coat_name.png
🖼️ pack.png 🖼️ coat_name.png
🗒️ pack.mcmeta 📂 foal (optional)

Shown: The file structure for texture packs overriding default horse +/- foal coats.

File Type Description Note
📂 Pack Name A folder with the name of your resource pack
🖼️ pack.png PNG image for your pack - displayed in game. This must remain named pack.png
🗒️ pack.mcmeta MCMETA file with your pack's description and version(s) This must remain named pack.mcmeta
🖼️ coat_name.png PNG for the coat to override. This must be the name of a valid swem coat

Coat names in files might not be identical to in-game names or values. Example swem:sweetboi = 13_m_sweetboi
→ You must use the file names, a list of valid names can be found above

Custom Animation Overrides / Additions

This guide will not cover how to create animations, for information please read our  [RESOURCES]  on Discord.

[EXPAND] Instructions


  1. Create an animation in Blockbench
  2. Save the swem_horse.json file
    → This should include your animation(s) and all default animations


  1. Modify one or more default animation in Blockbench
  2. Save the swem_horse.json file


  1. Go inside assets
  2. Create a folder called swem
  3. Inside that, create a folder called animations
  4. Paste your swem_horse.json file here


  1. Your pack is ready and may work unzipped
  2. You can zip it so it is easier to share or keep it unzipped to add new files
    → If your zip does not show up in game, check your files are not too deep
    ✅Pack Name (Zip) > assets / pack.mcmeta / pack
    Pack Name (Zip) > Pack Folder > assets / pack.mcmeta / pack
  3. Load into Minecraft
  4. Open the Resource Pack menu
  5. Open the folder (button)
  6. Paste in your Resource Pack
  7. Enable the Resource Pack
  8. Check it is working in game
    → Tame and mount a horse
    → Use /swem rrp anim <Animation Name> to trigger the animation
    → Confirm the animation works as expected

This page will not provide any resources for troubleshooting errors with animations. 
You can look up a tutorial for animating or ask for assistance with details on your issue in our Tech Help channels.

📂 Pack Name
📂 assets 📂 swem
📂 animations

🗒️ swem_horse.json

🖼️ pack.png

🗒️ swem_horse_foal.json

🗒️ pack.mcmeta

Shown: The file structure for animation packs overriding default horse +/- foal coats.

File Type Description Note
📂 Pack Name A folder with the name of your resource pack
🖼️ pack.png PNG image for your pack - displayed in game. This must remain named pack.png
🗒️ pack.mcmeta MCMETA file with your pack's description and version(s) This must remain named pack.mcmeta
🗒️ swem_horse.json JSON file with your new / modified animations This must remain named swem_horse.json