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Client Config

The SWEM client config adds an installation-specific configurable settings for QOL settings. These are client-side, so you can adjust them to your liking and they will only affect you. These settings will be the same across all your worlds on that instance, including any servers you join. 

MultiMC: Instance > Config Folder (Right Sidebar) > swem-client.toml
CurseForge: Profile > ... (next to play) > Open Folder > config > swem-client.toml
Forge (Windows): [user]/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/config/swem-client.toml
Forge (Mac): ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/config/swem-client.toml

Configs Explained

Config: Short for configuration, which means to change something to your preference. 
Default: Means the one that is preset. If at any time you need to reset, the default config is always okay to return to.
Lines: Configs are read by the computer in lines, like programming code. The lines staying the way they are is very important.
#: Means everything in that line of the config will not be read by the computer. Changes made here will effect nothing.

Remember the primary rule for configs: Do not change ANY text that is not clearly written as a change like true/false, numbers, and lists. These changeable things will be clearly defined and look like test questions.

Wings Transparency

# || Set how visible the horse wings should be! 0 = off, 1 = 50%, 2 = 100%
#Range: 0 ~ 2
wingsTransparency = 2

This says: How visible the Amethyst Horse Armor wings should be by default.
It must be 0, 1, or 2 (0 = off, 1 = 50%, 2 = 100%). Default is 2.
You can always press . (period key) to toggle this in-game to your preference.

Gait HUD

# || Should the gait HUD be enabled?
gaitHudEnabled = true

This says: Turn on or off the visibility of the Gait HUD. Must be True or False. Default is True.
If enabled (true) you will see text near your inventory hotbar that displays the current gait of any horse you are riding.

# || How much would you like to offset the current X position? (A negative value moves the text up and a positive value down.)
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudX = 0

This says: The left-right position of the Gait HUD. Must be a value greater than -2147483648. Default is 0.
If adjusted, the positioning of your Gait HUD will be altered on the X (left to right) axis.

# || How much would you like to offset the current X position? (A negative value moves the text up and a positive value down.)
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudX = 0

This says: The up-down position of the Gait HUD. Must be a value greater than -2147483648. Default is 0.
If adjusted, the positioning of your Gait HUD will be altered on the Y (up-down) axis.

# || What color should the gait HUD be?
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudColor = 16777215

This says: The color of the Gait HUD in decimal colors. Must be a value greater than -2147483648. Default is 16777215 (white).
If adjusted, the color of the HUD will reflect that value's color in decimal code.

Gender (1.18.2-1.4.0+)

	# || Should gender icons be shown before horse names?
	# || Icons only show if the horse is tamed and has a custom name.
	showGenderIcons = true

This says: If name-tagged horses display a small gender icon before their name. Must be True or False. Default is True.

	# || What colour the male icon should appear as.
	# || This is a hex value, format: #A1B2C3. (Default is #18C0ED)
	maleIconColor = "#4CBB17"

This says: The color of the Stallion gender icon (if enabled). Must be a hex color code. Default is #4CBB17 (Blue).
If adjusted, the color of the hovering name (name-tag) will reflect the set hex color.

	# || What colour the female icon should appear as.
	# || This is a hex value, format: #A1B2C3. (Default is #FF4DAC)
	femaleIconColor = "#6F2DA8"

This says: The color of the Mare gender icon (if enabled). Must be a hex color code. Default is #6F2DA8 (Pink).
If adjusted, the color of the hovering name (name-tag) will reflect the set hex color.

	# || What colour the icon should appear as, when the horse is infertile.
	# || This is a hex value, format: #A1B2C3. (Default is #444269)
	infertileIconColor = "#444269"

This says: The color of the Stallion gender icon (if enabled). Must be a hex color code. Default is #444269 (Gray).
If adjusted, the color of the hovering name (name-tag) will reflect the set hex color.

Full (Default) Config

1.18.2 [1.4.0 - Food System]

# || =========== [Wings Transparency] =========== ||
# || Set how visible the horse wings should be! 0 = off, 1 = 50%, 2 = 100%
#Range: 0 ~ 2
wingsTransparency = 0

# || =========== [Gait HUD] =========== ||
# || Should the gait HUD be enabled?
gaitHudEnabled = true
# || How much would you like to offset the current X position? (A negative value moves the text up and a positive value down.)
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudX = 0
# || How much would you like to offset the current Y position? (A negative value moves the text up and a positive value down.)
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudY = 0
# || What color should the gait HUD be?
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudColor = 16777215

# || =========== [Gender] =========== ||
# || Should gender icons be shown before horse names?
# || Icons only show if the horse is tamed and has a custom name.
showGenderIcons = true
# || What colour the male icon should appear as.
# || This is a hex value, format: #A1B2C3. (Default is #18C0ED)
maleIconColor = "#4CBB17"
# || What colour the female icon should appear as.
# || This is a hex value, format: #A1B2C3. (Default is #FF4DAC)
femaleIconColor = "#6F2DA8"
# || What colour the icon should appear as, when the horse is infertile.
# || This is a hex value, format: #A1B2C3. (Default is #444269)
infertileIconColor = "#444269"

If you notice changes you don't like but don't know how to undo the changes you made to the Config, shut down the game and replace the config with this default one and the config will be reset. If using an older release, delete the config file and relaunch to regenerate it.


View Changes

This is not a complete list of version changes / fixes. It is a changelog of relevant wiki-related version information.

MC Version Release Notes

1.18.2-1.4.0 Added client configurable 
Added client configurable for gait HUD, position and color.
Reorganised config template to be more logical in sections and added helpful explanations for various configurable values.
1.18.2 [1.3.0 - Food System]


# || =========== [Wings Transparency] =========== ||
# || Set how visible the horse wings should be! 0 = off, 1 = 50%, 2 = 100%
#Range: 0 ~ 2
wingsTransparency = 2

# || =========== [Gait HUD] =========== ||
# || Should the gait HUD be enabled?
gaitHudEnabled = true
# || How much would you like to offset the current X position? (A negative value moves the text up and a positive value down.)
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudX = 0
# || How much would you like to offset the current Y position? (A negative value moves the text up and a positive value down.)
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudY = 0
# || What color should the gait HUD be?
#Range: > -2147483648
gaitHudColor = 16777215


["Wings transparency"]
    #Set how visible the horse wings should be! 0 = off, 1 = 50%, 2 = 100%
    #Range: 0 ~ 2
    WingsTransparency = 2