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Installing Mods
Introduction Installing mods can be complicated for new and experienced users alike, so we have ...
Description: A bridle is an item that can be placed on tamed SWEM Horses to steer them. It comes ...
Creators' Corner [WIP]
READ ME This page is an early WORK IN PROGRESS and information is subject to change or correct...
Description: Coins are craftable currency that can be exchanged for tack at an EQ Shop. Detail...
EQ Shop
Description: A shop block to exchange coins for custom tack items. Details: Rarity col...
Resource Packs [WIP]
Resource Packs Resource Packs enable you to modify certain assets of Minecraft or Mods, like SWE...
General Information [WIP]
This feature is available in 1.20.1-1.5+ and will NOT be added to outdated versions. Community P...
SWEM Commands
To use commands listed below, the following crtieria must be met: Commands (cheats) enabled U...
Animations [WIP]
This feature is available in 1.20.1-1.5+ and will NOT be backported to any outdated versions. Fe...
Tack [WIP]
This feature is available in 1.20.1-1.5+ and will NOT be backported to any outdated versions. Fe...
Community Packs [OLD]
READ ME This page is OUTDATED and information is relevant to 1.20.1-1.5 Beta 7.For 1.20.1-1.5 ...
Coats [NEW]
This feature is available in 1.20.1-1.5+ and will NOT be backported to any outdated versions. Fe...
About SWLM
Why the Mod Started Anyone who has built big on Minecraft - or even those who have not - will un...
The 1.20.1 config is suspected to be bugged and may not generate; you can try manually creating t...
Star Worm Goop
Description: Star Worm Goop is an item used to add luminance to other blocks. Details: ...
Mortar & Pestle
Description: Mortar & pestle is an item used for crafting star worm goop. Details: R...
Star Worms
Description: Star Worms are an item crafted from Star Worm Cobble, and are used to craft Star Wo...
Star Worm Cobble
Description: Star Worm Cobble is a block that can be crafted into Star Worms. Details: ...
SWE/M Compatibilities
SWE/M Compatibilities This page includes all the SWLM compatibility blocks added by SWEM, SWDM, ...
Forge 1.18.2
Vanilla Blocks 1.18.2 SWLM includes all blocks from the 1.12.2 and 1.16.5 versions. FoliageSW '...