Wallets & Wristlets
Description: Wallets and Wristlets are a means of carrying money and withdrawing Thym coins of specific values.
Rarity color: | Common |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | Yes (64) |
Durability: | None |
Wallets and wristlets can be crafted.
Wallets come in two leather variations; brown and black.
1 Wallet can be crafted with 1 Refined Leather and Brown or Black Dye.
Wristlets come in all 16 minecraft colors.
1 Wristlet can be crafted with 2 Refined Leather and 1 Dye of a corresponding color.
Wallet funds are specific to the player and can be accessed with any wallet or wristlet (including borrowing a friends). There is no risk associated with dropping or losing your wallet, however wallet funds may be subject to stealing via PVP.
Right-click with a wallet or wristlet in hand to open the GUI.
- View the balance in the wallet
(how-muchmaximummoneyvalueisthatheldcaninside)be withdrawn - Add or remove all balance
[+] Adding will move all coins in the player's inventory into the wallet, increasing the balance
[-] Removing will withdraw all
This will be withdrawn in the largest
- Add or remove specific value coins
[+] Add a single coin of the selected value
backinto the wallet
[-]per click- Remove a single coin of the selected value back into the
[Shiftclick+] HoldAddshiftup towithdraw64a(fullstackstack)(ifof that value coin into thebalancewalletpermits)
[Shift - ] Move up to 64 (full stack) of that value coin into into theselectedplayer'svalueinventory
Thedepositwallets/wristletsbags, wallet funds arecurrentlylinked to the player. In this way, wallet funds are specific to theplayer,individualso multiple users can shareusing a wallet and thevalue within will be specific to the user. Future versions may support individual use and application for PVP (configurable) to take money from another player.Moneyitem can bewithdrawnsafelyfromdropped,walletslostfororuseshared.inHowever:deposit- Wallet funds can be stolen if the server permits PVP and has setup configs
- Wallet funds can be stolen even if the player
vaults.does not have a wallet on them (see below) - Wallet funds must have the minimum wealth value (default T100) to be stolen from