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Deposit Bag

Description: A money sleeve that accepts up to one million Thyms for safe storage, such as in a player vault or enderchest.


Rarity color: Common
Renewable: Yes
Stackable: Yes (64)
Durability: None


Deposit bags come in a single Green color variant.
1 deposit bag can be crafted with 2 Dried Kelp and 1 Iron Nugget.



A maximum of 1,000,000 Thyms can be held within the deposit bag. The player can craft as many deposit bags as needed.

Right-click with a depositwallet bagor wristlet in hand to open the GUI.

  • View the balance in the depositwallet bag- (howmaximum muchvalue moneythat iscan heldbe inside)withdrawn
  • Add or remove all balance
    • [+] Adding will move all coins in the player's inventory into the deposit bag, increasing the balance

    • [-]
    • Removing will withdraw all or as much of the balance as possiblefunds into the player'splayers inventory as possible, reducing the balance
      This will be withdrawn in the largest coin valuescoins possible (leastto reduce the number of coins).
    • individual

    • Add or remove specific value coins
      • [+] Add a single coin of the selected value into the deposit bag
        [-] (1 per click)

      • Remove a single coin of the selected value fromback into the player's inventory
        [Shift +] Add up to 64 (full stack) of that value coin into the deposit bag
        [Shift (1- per] click)
      • Move
      • Hold shiftup to withdraw64 a (full stackstack) (ifof that value coin into into the balanceplayer's permits)inventory of the selected value

      A maximum of 1,000,000 Thyms can be held within the deposit bag. If the maximum is reached, another bag can be crafted.




      • Thewallets or wristlets, funds stored in a deposit bag,bag unlikeare a wallet/wristlet, is not specifically linked to the player.player. IfIn this way, storing funds in deposit bags can be a safe means of avoiding having money stolen if a player dies in PVP on multiplayer servers, as funds not associated with the depositwallet+ bagare shouldnot subject to config values. However:

        • Deposit bags can be lostdropped oron enddeath if keepInventory is not enabled
        • Deposit bags can be accidentally dropped and picked up inby theother possessionplayers
        • of
        • Deposit anotherbags player they willcan be ableaccessed toby anyone; players can withdraw the full value ofor thecontinue deposit bag - orto use the bagit to store their ownfunds
        • money. For this reason, deposit
        • Deposit bags shouldare never becompletely carriedsecure aroundunless without decent justification. Store them safelystored in a player vault, ender chest or on secure storagelandclaim suchwith asno ashared player vault.permissions.