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Minecraft Server Rules


These are a very basic overview of the server rules, intended as a reference to users or a refresher to returning players. 

Server Rules

  1. No griefing, no stealing, no destruction of property, entities or the server.
  2. No discussion of any NSFW themes, content or use of harsh swears - keep chat PG-friendly.
  3. NSFW or inappropriate minecraft names will not be whitelisted until it has been changed. If a name is changed to be NSFW or inappropriate after whitelisting, they will be unwhitelisted until it is fixed.
  4. Be polite and respectful of others at all time - do not start or engage in public disputes.
  5. Report any concerns to a moderator ASAP - do not attempt to resolve or mini-mod them. 
  6. Be patient with staff - services like W/E are not a right, they are voluntary and the service can be revoked or denied.
  7. Follow instructions when given by a moderator. If you want to discuss it further, send a DM or contact an Admin.

Property Rules

  1. You can claim one plot on joining the server - this must be in the Blue or Purple Residential Zones.
  2. You must claim the entirety of your plot (using FTBChunks map).
  3. You must build within the boundaries of your plot only - builds elsewhere will be removed without notice.
  4. All builds must be legal for care of the animals that reside within it.
  5. Teams: You can form a team but must not invite players - use the ally feature instead!
      1. Joining a team will give the team leader ownership of your own personal claim (not allowed)
      2. You should not make teams free-to-join
  1. If you are a $10+ donator you can request an extra plot per $5 donation (ie $10 = 2 plots total)
      1. To apply for your extra plots, please use the Expansion Request Thread (VIP General channel)
      2. All plots must be connected, if you do not have available nearby plots you will be relocated.
      3. Your extra plots are maintained monthly, if your donation decreases you forfeit those additional plots.
  2. Boarding: You can board horses on your property provided you have adequate regulation facilities
      1. You and all players boarding their horses with you must observe the maximum horse ownership
      2. You are responsible for communicating with owners re: duration/services/return.

Animal Ownership Rules

  1. Each player can own a maximum of 8 horses - across ALL dimensions.
  2. Each player can own a maximum of 8 of each livestock - across ALL dimensions (Cows, Sheep, Chickens, Pigs)
  3. Each player can own a maximum of 5 of each additional animal or pets.
  4. You are responsible for your animals, even if they are on another player's property. They still count within your limit.
  5. Unwanted animals should be donated to the Rescue, or must be humanely destroyed. Use a Mercy Blade to kill animals. Void, lava, hand, tools, weapons, etc will be considered abusive deaths.

Welfare Rules

  1. All animals must have access to regulation-standard space +/- shelter.
  2. Horses must always be untacked after use.
  3. Animals will be taken to Lost & Found and put up for adoption after 21 days if:
      1. Their circumstances are considered extremely poor welfare and are not improved.
      2. They are found wandering outside of your property or elsewhere on the server.
      3. Moderators see any other fit reason to seize an animal after appropriate notice was given.
  4. If you find a lost horse, please turn it into Lost & Found rather than attempting to reunite it yourself.

You should NOT turn any wild horses in the world into wild SWEM horses. 

Conflict Resolution Rules

  1. Hostile behavior towards others is never tolerated - be polite and mature regardless.
  2. Don't get involved or attempt to handle situations that you may not have the authority to handle
    1. Contact a moderator (ping or DM an online mod) as early as possible if the situation is escalating, or:
    2. If you have a landclaim issue or dispute
    3. If you feel a user is engaging in inappropriate server behavior
  3. Revenge is not an okay way to handle issues.
  4. Deliberately causing issues for another player is not tolerated. This includes spreading rumors, harassment, causing them to fail a competition, tricking them out of quest rewards, etc.
  5. Accountability is okay, bullying is not okay.

General considerations

The following is recommended:

  1. Avoid trespassing onto other players' plots to shortcut, use roads intended for access.
  2. Avoid using facilities on other players' plots like arenas or XC courses without permission.
  3. It is encouraged to be friendly and cooperative, but be respectful of boundaries set by others.