Command Functions
Blacklisting can be setup by:
Specifying item(s) in theswpm-server.tomlconfig file (saves > world > serverconfig)Specifying items in game via commands
Once setup, blacklisted items will be removed from any player if they obtain it and a notice given that the item was confiscated.
Note: These permissions and restrictions are primarily being developed for use in official SWE servers, but are included in the mod for others needing similar functions for server management. TheWe defaultare configsaware may specifyother mods thatmight servershave doadded nottheir useown orversion doof notthese wantcommands, however to blacklistlimit -our ensuremodpack, we internalized the config reflects the correctones restrictionswe ofdeemed themost server prior to re-loading the world.necessary.
ConfigCreative Flight (Gamemode Locks)
CheckGamemode andLocks adjustcan allow creative flight to be activated within them. Upon set up, choose true (flight yes) or false (flight no).
To toggle flight, /swpm fly
This was primarily used for players building within their plot zones. We Gamemode Locked the configdimension priorPlot dimensions to applyingAdventure Mode, built premade plots, put Survival Gamemode Locks (regional) over the plots, then used FTBChunks for players to orhave updating servers - blacklisted inventory items will be permanently lost.
The below is our default entry for SWE server modpack and restrictions.
#List of item idsaccess to blacklistedit fromtheir being mapped.
#Format: modid:itemid
#Example: minecraft:stone
blacklist_item_ids = ["minecraft:bedrock"]
#List of entity ids to blacklist from being mapped.
#Format: modid:entityid
#Example Entry: minecraft:iron_golem
#Example List: ["minecraft:iron_golem", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:wither", "minecraft:mooshroom"]
blacklist_entity_ids = []
This says: Specify which items (by ID) that will be removed from a player once acquired, and which entities (by ID) that will be prevented from spawning.
The below is our default entry for SWE server modpack and restrictions.
#List of item ids to blacklist from being mapped.
#Format: modid:itemid
#Example: minecraft:stone
blacklist_item_ids = ["minecraft:bedrock", "minecraft:barrier", "minecraft:elytra", "minecraft:ender_chest", "minecraft:obsidian", "minecraft:ender_eye", "minecraft:end_crystal", "minecraft:wither_skeleton_skull", "minecraft:nether_star", "minecraft:chorus_fruit", "minecraft:budding_amethyst", "minecraft:tnt"]
#List of entity ids to blacklist from being mapped.
#Format: modid:entityid
#Example Entry: minecraft:iron_golem
#Example List: ["minecraft:iron_golem", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:wither", "minecraft:mooshroom"]
blacklist_entity_ids = ["minecraft:iron_golem", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:wither", "minecraft:mooshroom"]
This says: Specify which items (by ID) that will be removed from a player once acquired, and which entities (by ID) that will be prevented from spawning.
To teleport through an obstacle, /swpm
blacklist add modid:itemidthru Adds an item (by ID) to the blacklist.
/swpm blacklist remove modid:itemid Removes an item (by ID) from the blacklist.
/swpm blacklist list Lists all currently blacklisted items (allows blacklist removal via the list).
BlacklistedThis entitieswas cannotprimarily beused listed,for added,ease when building or removedaccess viato commands. It isstaff only possiblerooms throughin service buildings as these buildings often didn't have doors to make illegal entry impossible.
All users are subject to blacklist item confiscation except for anyone with the Blacklist Bypass key.
When an item is confiscated, the following message will display: