Tack Box
Description: A tack box is a block that holds tack, information, and various items.
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: |
Yes (64) |
Tool: | |
Blast Resistance: | |
Hardness: | |
Luminant: | No |
Transparent: | No |
Flammable: | |
Flammable (Lava): |
Tack boxes can be changed to any of the 16 colors of Minecraft simply by replacing the white dye with your dye of choice.
A tack box canmust be bound to a tamed SWEM Horse by right-clicking itthe horse with the box in hand. It
You will get the following error message if you try to open an unbound tack box.
Once bound it can then be placed and opened, where four different GUI screenspages can be viewed.
The Thesefirst arepage tackis Tack Box. You can hold Adventure, English, and training,Western birthTack certificate,sets, lineagea Saddlebag, and genetics,a piece of Horse Armor. You also have 9 open slots to put other miscellaneous items.
The second page is the Birth Certificate screen. Here you can see the horses name, stats, and progression.owner.
The tack and trainingthird screen shows the horse's stats and affinity and also has slots for general items and for English, western, and adventure tack to be stored in. Birth certificate shows the horse's name and its owner, as well as other information available in phase two.is Lineage and geneticsGenetics which is irrelevanta untilPhase phase2 two;Development and progressionNOT currently in the game.
The fourth screen is the Progression screen and shows the advancements the player has made so far.
Data values