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SWEM Commands

To use commands listed below, the following crtieria must be met:

  • Commands (cheats) enabled
  • User holds key(s) for specific commands.

Basic Commands

These are commands that are accessible to all players by default. 


Transfer ownership must be used while riding a horse to have an effect. Only the owner can run this command.

Command Version Description
/swem horse transfer <playername>      1.16+ Transfer a horse to a player (new owner).

/swem horse transfer <playername>          Transfer a horse to another player (new owner).

This command 'whitelists' player(s) to ride and interact with a horse that is set to Trusted only. 

Trusted player commands must be used while riding a horse to have an effect. Only the owner or OP can run this command.

Command Version Description
/swem horse addfriend <playername>      1.16+ Add a player to the horse's trusted list.
/swem horse removefriend <playername>      1.16+ Remove a player from the horse's trusted list.

This command is intended for servers that enforce a horse ownership limit.

Command Version Description
/swem horse owned list <playername>      1.18+ Displays the total # and names (if named) of owned horses.
/swem horse owned search <limit>     1.18+ Displays a list of any players that exceed the stated # owned horses.

This command sets tack to invisible, or re-renders already invisible tack.
It is used to simulate 'bareback' riding or 'wild' horses (invisible rider). Server-side, so changes can be seen by all players.

Tack render commands must be used while riding a horse to have an effect.

Command Version Description
/swem render bridle   1.16+ Toggle visibility of the bridle tack slot.
/swem render blanket 1.16+ Toggle visibility of the blanket tack slot.
/swem render saddle 1.16+ Toggle visibility of the saddle tack slot.
/swem render girth_strap     1.16+ Toggle visibility of the girth strap tack slot.
/swem render all 1.16+ Toggle visibility of all core tack slots.

Additional tack slots such as leg wraps are not included as they are not required to ride a horse (cosmetic only).

These commands trigger a single or looped animation to support photos and videos for players and content creators. 
This occurs server-side, so triggered animations will be seen by all players unless it is a custom animation (pack required).

Looped animations (∞) play continuously until the command is repeated, all others will play one time then stop.
Single animations triggered during a looped animation will play once, then return to the original looped animation.
Animations are visual only and will not have any effects such as damage from bucking or biting. 

RRP commands must be used while riding a horse to have an effect.

Command Version Description
/swem rrp bite   1.18+ Horse will lunge forward into a bite once.
/swem rrp buck 1.18+ Horse will buck once (as with taming).
/swem rrp eat 1.16+ Horse will lower their head into a looped grazing animation.
/swem rrp kick     1.16+ Horse will kick out with one rear leg.
/swem rrp lay     1.16+  Horse will lower themselves to the ground (player floats if riding)
/swem rrp rear     1.16+ Horse will rear once.
/swem rrp sad     1.16+ Horse will lower it's head (sad or sick) and use sad walk animations.
/swem rrp stomp     1.18+ Horse will half-rear, lunging forward to stomp their front hooves. 
/swem rrp anim StatueBuck
1.20+ Horse will freeze in a bucking statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueCanter
1.20+ Horse will freeze in a canter statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueFloat 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a flying statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueGallop 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a gallop statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueGallop 2 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a gallop (v2) statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueLaunch 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a leaping into flight statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueLaying Down 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a lying statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatuePiaffe 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a dressage piaffe statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueRear 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a rearing statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueSit 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a sitting statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueStandIdle 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a standing statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueTrot
1.20+ Horse will freeze in a trotting statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim StatueWalk 1.20+ Horse will freeze in a walking statue pose (no idles).
/swem rrp anim <animation name>     1.20+ Horse will play the selected animation on loop.

This command supports custom animations added via resource pack.

Triggered anims may not visually work with riders - not all animations have a player animation (lying down etc). 

[EXPAND] Full List Of Default Animations

StatueGallop 2
StatueLaying Down


Command Version Description
/swem wiki      1.20+ Provides a link to this Wiki in chat (client side).

Breeding Commands (1.18.2-1.4.0+)

If configured on servers, these commands will only be usable by OPs or with relevant permissionpermissions nodes.(if enabled).

Breeding commands must be used while riding a horse to have an effect.

Command Version Description
/swem horse breeding advance      1.18 Advance a mare's pregnancy to just before birth is due.
/swem horse breeding change     1.18 Change a Stallion or Gelding ⇔ Mare

1.20 Change a Stallion ⇔ Mare or Gelding ⇔ Infertile Mare
/swem horse breeding geld     1.18 Change a Stallion → Gelding
/swem horse breeding fertile     1.20 Change a Gelding → Stallion or Infertile Mare → Mare (fertile)
/swem horse breeding infertile     1.20 Change a Stallion → Gelding or Mare → Infertile Mare
/swem horse breeding reset cooldown 1.18+ Reset the breeding cooldown timer to 0.
/swem horse breeding reset pregnancy 1.18+ Reset a pregnancy (set to not pregnant).

Summon & Modify Commands

If configured on servers, these commands will only be usable by  TBC .

Minecraft /summon command will only summon default (white) horses as of 1.20.1-1.5.0+, use /swem summon instead!

Command Version Description
/swem summon LEGACY <id:coat>      1.20 1.5 Summon a untamed horse with a specific coat or custom coat.
/swem summon random LEGACY     1.20 1.5

Summon an untamed horse with a random coat or custom coat.

Random coats can only select from non-secret, non-blacklisted default coats or custom coats with lapis_cyclable: true

/swem set coat <id:coat>     1.20 1.5 Set the horse to use a specific coat or custom coat.
Minecraft Command Version Description
/summon swem:swem_horse 1.16-18 Summon an untamed horse with a random coat.
/summon swem:swem_horse ~ ~ ~ {HorseVariant:#} 1.16-18 Summon an untamed horse with a specific coat variant #.
/summon swem:swem_horse ~ ~ ~ {NoAI: 1} 1.16-18 Summon an untamed horse with no AI*.
/summon swem:wormieboi 1.16+ Summon a worm on a string.
/summon swem:swem_poop 1.16+ Summon a horse poop.
/data merge entity @e[type=swem:swem_horse,limit=1,sort=nearest] {HorseVariant:#} 1.16-18 Set the nearest horse to use a specific coat variant #.
/data merge entity @e[type=swem:swem_horse,limit=1,sort=nearest] {NoAI:1} 1.16+ Modify the nearest horse to have no AI*.
/data merge entity @e[type=swem:swem_horse,limit=1,sort=nearest] {NoAI:0} 1.16+ Modify the nearest horse to have AI*.

* No AI Horses still have needs, can be ridden and led but will not move when unmounted except for idle animations.

No AI Horses can be returned to normal using a data merge command without being killed + replaced.

Filming Commands

These commands will only be usable to players with the Film key unless disabled in serverconfig (1.20+).

Wild mode and Max Gallop commands must be used while riding a horse to have an effect.

MULTIPLAYER Wild mode is not recommended for SMPs - it sets max affinity, provides free tack and adjusts gallop limit.

This command sets horses to a specific skill level and tack setup intended for quick filming-ready horses.

  • Instantly tames a horse if it is currently untamed
  • Instantly tacks a horse with gray western tack
  • Set all tack items invisible
  • Set Jump level to 1 to limit max speed for filming
  • Set Jump level to 1
  • Set Affinity level to 12 (max) to reduce refusals


  • Tack visibility is temporary - it will re-render on relog or restart and can be rendered via commands.
  • Skills changes are permanent unless retrained or adjusted via commands. Do not use on personal horses!
  • This command has no effect on riders - it will not make them invisible!
Command Version Description
/swem rrp wild      1.16+ Set a horse's tack and skills to filming 'wild' mode.
/swem rrp maxgallop     1.18+ Reset the gallop cooldown and set max gallop time to 120 seconds.

Moderator Commands

These commands will only be usable to players with the Mod key unless disabled in serverconfig (1.20+).

Commands requiring a [playername] specified will need to be run while the intended player is online to work.

Command Version Description
/swem horse owned list <playername>      1.18+ Displays the total # and names (if named) of owned horses.
/swem horse owned search <limit>     1.18+ Displays a list of any players that exceed the stated # owned horses.
/swem horse tame 1.18+ Instantly tame a nearby or ridden (wild) horse.
/swem horse tackup  1.18+ Instantly tackup a ridden horse with white Western tack.
/swem horse addfriend <playername>  1.18+ Add a player to a horse's trusted list (even if not the owner).
/swem horse removefriend <playername>    1.18+ Remove a player from a horse's trusted list (even if not the owner).
/swem horse transfer <playername> 1.18+ Transfer a horse to another player (even if not the owner).
/swem set allNeeds <1-5> 1.18+ Set horse needs value (health, hunger, thirst) [1-5] 1 Min - 5 Max
/swem set health <1-5> 1.18+ Set horse health value [1-5] HP: 6 / 10 / 20 / 30 / 40) 
/swem set hunger <1-5> 1.18+ Set horse hunger state [1-5] 1 Starving - 5 Fully Fed
/swem set thirst <1-5> 1.18+ Set horse thirst state [1-5] 1 Exsiccosis - 5 Quenched

Admin Commands

These commands will only be usable to players with the Admin key unless disabled in serverconfig (1.20+).

Set level commands must be used while riding a horse to have an effect.

Command Version Description
/swem set level affinity <1-12>      1.18+ Set the affinity skill [1-12]
/swem set level health <1-5>     1.18+ Set the health skill [1-5]
/swem set level jump <1-5> 1.18+ Set the jump skill [1-5]
/swem set level speed <1-5>  1.18+ Set the speed skill [1-5]
/swem set level all <1-12>  1.18+ Set all skills [1-12] Choosing 12 will max all skills fully.
/swem set coat <id:coat>    1.20+ Set the horse to use a specific coat or custom coat.

Assigning Keys

Keys do NOT stack - you need all the keys relevant to the desired keys (ie Admin does not inherit the commands of Mod).

As shown in the above sections, some SWEM commands are linked to a role 'key' to prevent misuse of some non-survival friendly commands on servers. Please read the below information carefully:

  • Singleplayer (SP): All keys can be assigned via the /swem key assign command.
  • Multiplayer (MP): Admin keys must be assigned via console access only.
  • MP (Essentials): Admin keys must be assigned prior to opening the world to other players.
  • Players with the admin key can assign film and mod keys to other users without requiring OP.
Command Version Description
/swem key assign <playername> swem:film    1.18+ Give a player the film key.
/swem key assign <playername> swem:mod    1.18+ Give a player the mod key
/swem key assign <playername> swem:admin  1.18+ Give a player the admin key. MP: Must assign via server console.
/swem key revoke <playername> swem:film  1.18+ Remove the film key from a player. MP: Requires Admin+ Key
/swem key revoke <playername> swem:mod  1.18+ Remove the mod key from a player. MP: Requires Admin+ Key
/swem key revoke <playername> swem:admin    1.18+ Remove the admin key from a player. 
/swem key list    1.18+ List the currently held keys (current player).


Change Ownership
This vanilla command should no longer be needed in 1.18 with OP overrides to horse ownership (when set to none/trusted only) but it is noted in case of any issue with accessing a restricted horse.

/data modify entity @e[type=swem:swem_horse,sort=nearest,limit=1] Owner set value PLAYERSFULLUUIDHERE

  1. Stand near the target horse - move away any other nearby SWEM horses (to not accidentally edit their data instead)
  2. Find the UUID of a (OP) player, you can get it on a website like MCUUID, and edit the command
  3. Run the command. You can change the horse to All, mount it and use the normal transfer command

Known Issues

If you find an issue, please report it to our bugs channel on Discord. We ask that you look to see if your issue was reported first!

  • [-] Keys override OP access and cannot be circumvented to set custom role permissions via permission plugins.


View Changes

This is not a complete list of version changes / fixes. It is a changelog of relevant wiki-related version information.

MC Version Release Notes
1.20.1-1.4.0 Removed geld command for fertile/infertile command (either gender).
1.18.2-1.4.0 Added /swem horse breeding commands for 1.4.0 Gender update.
1.18.2-1.3.0-15 Added /swem horse owner [player] command to list owned + named horses.
1.18.2-1.2.2 Added /swem horse set commands for needs (part of new feed/water system)
Added render command for all (render or unrender all tack).
Added RRP commands for shake, scratch, buck, bit and stomp idles/animations.
Merged the /swem horse setgalloptime and /swem horse resetgallop commands
Changed /swem setlevel command to /swem set
Changed /dev tackup and /dev tame to /swem horse category.