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SWEM Commands


A user can run SWEM commands if:

  • They have commands (cheats) enabled on a singleplayer world.
  • Have OP or relevant permissions (or rank) on a multiplayer server.

SWEM commands are provided to make certain elements of gameplay easier, usually for the purposes of RRP, filming or testing.

Summon Commands

Summon is a vanilla Minecraft command that can also be used to summon modded entities.

Typing /summon swem: will provide an autofill list of SWEM entities. 

/summon swem:swem_horse

Summons an (untamed) SWEM horse in a random color. 

/summon swem:swem_horse ~ ~ ~ {NoAI: 1}

Summons an (untamed) SWEM horse with no AI. This means the horse will not move or function besides playing idles. It can still be ridden, but when unmounted or not being led it will just stand still. No AI horses cannot be converted to AI horses.

/summon swem:wormieboi

Summons a wormywormie boi... a worm on a string! 

/summon swem:swem_poop

Summons a pile of poop. This was not a typo. SWEM poop is an entity, allowing for the variable drops of multiple poops when destroyed. As it is an entity, it also shows up on minimaps (although it does not have a custom icon). 

SWEM Commands

These commands have various functions relating to information or adjustments for various purposes.

/swem listall

Lists all the horses a player owns.

/swem render bridle

/swem render saddle

/swem render blanket

/swem render girth strap

Using this command, you can unrender (make invisible) tack pieces. Repeating the command will render the tack once more. The effect is both client and server side, meaning when unrendered or rendered the effect is updated for both the player and those around them. The purpose of this command can be to represent tackless riding, OR for filming of 'wild' horses if the player has an invisibility effect to control the horse.

/swem setlevel affinity [1-12]

/swem setlevel speed [1-5]

/swem setlevel jump [1-5]

/swem setlevel health [1-5]

/swem setlevel all [1-12]

This command can adjust the skills of a horse the player is currently riding. When using, chose a number within the relevant range (example: /swem setlevel speed 4 will give the ridden horse speed level 4). Affinity has more levels than other skills, hence its increased range of 1-12, 12 being maximum (bonded). If setting All the skills will all be set to the number specified, OR their maximum if the number stated is above their set range, up to 12. 

/swem wild

This command was added for filming purposes. It is not added for normal gameplay - and cannot be 'reversed'.

It is a filming command for SWEM productions to quickly make a SWEM horse visually appear wild by taming the horse, tacking and unrendering all tack, making all skills level 1 (lowest) except affinity (highest). It's primary use is to quickly tame, tack, undrender and level-set large numbers of actor horses on set. 

It does NOT make SWEM horses actually wild, nor add any value to normal gameplay unless you want the above features for some reason. Running the command again will not reverse the /swem wild, it will only reset the function to tack, unrender, lower skills etc. The only way to 'reverse' /swem wild is to re-render tack and set via commands or re-train them.

SWEM Horse Commands

These commands change or adjust various stats or information about the horse. 

Typing /swem horse will provide an autofill list of all possible horse commands. You must be mounted for them to work.

/swem horse addfriend playername

Specify a player that can ride a horse when it is set to Trusted only. To add that player, they must be online. [Multiplayer or LAN]

/swem horse removefriend playername

Remove a player from a horse's trusted players, so they cannot ride it unless it is set to All. To remove the player, they must be online. The autofill command may display other online players, it does not (necessarily) mean all those players are currently trusted. [Multiplayer or LAN]

/swem horse resetgallop

Clears the current cooldown (if one is active) for the gallop gait.

/swem horse setgalloptime [1-120]

Adjusts the time a horse can gallop, up to a maximum of 120 seconds. The default is [TO BE CONFIRMED]. Once the command has been used, it remains active and does not need to be repeated after the horse has galloped. The horse will still have a cooldown after use unless reset via commands.

/swem horse transfer

Transfers ownership of a horse to another player - this can only be done by the owner and the new owner (player to transfer to) must be online. 

Only highly trusted users should receive OP perms - OP players can transfer horses even if they do not own it. If the horse is set to None, the OP will not be able to mount it to run the command, and must use another command first.

/data modify entity @e[type=swem:swem_horse,sort=nearest,limit=1] Owner set value PLAYERSFULLUUIDHERE

The above command is a Minecraft command to edit the data of an entity, specifically its ownership. To use it, you will need to:

  • Stand near the horse you want to alter the ownership data of
  • Recommended: Move away any other SWEM horse(s) so you do not accidentally edit their data instead
  • Find the UUID of a (OP) player, you can get it on a website like MCUUID, and edit the command
  • Run the command. You can change the horse to All, mount it and use the normal transfer command

RRP Commands

RRP commands have several options to run an animation useful for RRP - this stands for Realistic Roleplay. They were added with creators in mind, including SWEM's own productions, and for placeholder animations that will hopefully one day be part of functional gameplay.

Typing /swem rrp will provide an autofill list of all possible RRP commands.

One Time 

These animations play once on use of the command. They will interrupt any ongoing animation, including stopping the player while riding at any gait.

/swem rrp rear

The horse will rear once, playing both horse and rider animation.

/swem rrp kick

The horse will do a small kick with one hind leg - this is an animation only and will cause no damage to surrounding mobs/players.


Looping commands play continuously until the command is run again - which will stop the animations. 

/swem rrp eat

The horse will take a small forward step and put its head down to graze, visually munching the ground. It takes no sustenance from doing so, and cannot fulfil any needs or move around (on its own) while in the animation loop. The horse can still be ridden, but will not play a gait animation while moving. On repeating the command, the horse will step back and raise it's head.

/swem rrp lay

The horse will play an animation where it lowers itself to the ground, then continuously loop a peaceful laying animation with legs tucked and head elevated. The horse cannot fulfil any needs or move around (on its own) while in the animation loop, but can still be ridden. Riding a horse in lay causes the player to float above the horse, and the horse obviously will not play a gait animation while moving. On repeating the command, the horse will realistically raise itself up from the ground.

/swem rrp sad

The horse will lower it's head, pinning their ears back in a sad stance for as long as the command is active. The horse cannot fulfil any needs or move around (on its own) while in the animation loop, but can still be ridden. Riding a horse in rrp sad will result in a 'sad walk' at that gait, with the same low head carriage.

Trivia: This command was added for filming of Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimmarron... not from any desire to see sad pixel ponies!


There are few known issues with RRP commands, but the following occurrences are known:

  • Triggering multiple looping animations, or a one-time animation after a looping, may result in the horse returning to the original loop when cancelled.
  • Not all animation transitions are smooth, and it is not possible to factor in all possible transitions of RRP commands (such as between sad and rear).

Dev Commands

Developer (Dev) commands are intended for testing or creative purposes where the normal means of taming or tacking horses is not important. They are not intended for general gameplay use, but do not present any issues for creative servers.

/dev tame

Instantly tames a horse. If mounted, it will tame the mounted horse, if unmounted it will tame an untamed nearby horse. The owner will be the player running the command.

/dev tackup

Instantly tacks up a horse in basic western tack; bridle, blanket, saddle and girth strap.