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Planning Notes

- Available on SP world for OP/creative. Access will vary on servers depending on permissions and ranks (if any)

/swem rrp 
---Toggle commands: repeat to reverse effect
---Other rrp commands can be triggered when another is active, they will return to any passive/looped anims (ie eat/lay/sad) if enabled.
---The transitions for these combinations may not be smooth.
> Eat
---Plays a constantly looped eating animation
> Lay
---The horse will lie down, transition animations into and exiting lie down are also included.
---It is still possible to ride a horse in the lying animation... it does not look great for obvious reasons.
> Rear
---Plays a single rearing animation.
> Kick
---Plays a single kick (little kick out of the back leg)
---Does no damage
> Sad
---Puts the horse into a sad stance with it's head down and ears back
---When walking in rrp sad, the horse will do a sad walk

/swem horse
> addfriend
---Allows a player to ride your horse when set to 'Trust' 
---Player must be online
> removefriend
---Removes a player from the list of trusted users able to ride horses set to 'Trust'
---Player must be online
> resetgallop
---Clears the cooldown (if any) for gallop
> setgalloptime
---Up to 120seconds, does not need to be repeated
---Default is ??? seconds
> transfer 
---Transfers ownership of a horse to another player.
---Player must be online
---Can only be performed by the owner, or an OPed player

> listall
---Lists the horses a player owns.
> render [blanket | bridle | saddle | girth strap]
---Renders and unrenders the tack a horse is wearing, to selectively show tack pieces.
---In combination with invisibility, it is intended to allow filming or rrp as 'wild' horses.
---Allows the player to rp bareback or liberty riding with little to no tack
---Toggle command: repeat to reverse effect
> setlevel [affinity | speed | jump | health | all] [#] 
---Adjust the skills, added for use during Beta testing and filming (not intended for survival gameplay)
--- All skills except affinity are 1-5, affinity is 1-12
> wild
---Included for filming purposes only!
---Will insta-tame, equip basic western tack, unrender all tack, set all levels to lowest possible with max affinity.

/dev tackup
/dev tame