Horse Armor
Description: Horse armor offers different perks that increase (and stack!) with each tier from cloth up to Amethyst. It offers significant protection from damage to SWEM Horses.
ObtainingTiers & Perks
Cloth Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Common |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
Cloth Horse Armor is crafted with 6 whitecarpets wool carpets.(any).
When equipped this armor grants SWEM horses a faster rate of healing.
Iron Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Common |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
Iron Horse Armor is crafted with 4 Iron Plates, 2 Iron Rivets and 1 Cloth Horse Armor.
When equipped this armor grants SWEM horses Magic Protection.
Magic Protection: Protection against various AOE or projectile magic damage.
Gold Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Common |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
Gold Horse Armor is crafted with 6 Gold Rivets and 1 Iron Horse Armor.
When equipped this armor grants SWEM horses Enhanced Frost Walk.
Enhanced Frost Walker: Makes it so water turns to ice around a horse - whether they are moving or not! Has a small AOE and will destroy waterlogged plants in their path so they never fall through holes.
Diamond Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Common |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
Diamond Horse Armor is crafted with 4 Diamond Plates, 2 Diamond Rivets and 1 Gold Horse Armor.
When equipped this armor grants SWEM horses Lava Walk and Fire Resistance.
Lava Walker: Makes it so lava turns to magma blocks around a horse - whether they are moving or not! Has a small AOE.
Fire Resistance: Horse is immune to all types of fire damage (including Lava + magma blocks).
Amethyst Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Common |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
Diamond Horse Armor is crafted with 48 DiamondShining Plates,Amethyst 2 Diamond RivetsShards and 1 GoldDiamond Horse Armor.
Alternatively, use any other Amethyst tier armor variants with 1 Shining Amethyst Shards.

When equipped this armor grants SWEM horses wings, which allow Flight.Flight (COMING SOON).
Flight: Unfortunately flightFlight is not in a stable state as of V1 release.release Flightand will be incorporated into the mod at a later date.
Special Variant Armors
USA Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Special |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
USA Horse Armor is crafted with 2 Fireworks, 1 Steak, 1 Crossbow, 1 Paper, 1 Red Wool, 1 White Wool, 1 Blue Wool and 1 Amethyst Horse Armor.
When equipped this armor grants all the same perks as Amethyst Horse Armor.
The USA Horse Armor was added as a patriotic salute to the AlaharranHonor's (Owner) love of all things American and was hoped to be a cool addition for 4th July.
Can you guess what the recipe parts represent?
Copper Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Special |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
Copper Horse Armor is crafted with 1 Gold Ingot and 1 of any max-tier Horse Armor (Amethyst, Emerald, Netherite)
When equipped this armor grants all the same perks as Amethyst Horse Armor.
3 new armor variants (+ USA, prepared much earlier) were incorporated as a late addition to the mod before V1 release. The concept of multiple armor variants were included in response to community expressed desire for more options, to incorporate other ores and as an added bonus to the Queens Cavalry streams where Lace, Hannah, Riley and Red could have their own variant.
The Gold Armor was designed by Redzeal, complete with complex filigree dragonfly-style wings, and was inspired by their love of the Desert biome.
Emerald Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Special |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
Emerald Horse Armor is crafted with 1 Emerald and 1 of any max-tier Horse Armor (Amethyst, Copper, Netherite)
When equipped this armor grants all the same perks as Amethyst Horse Armor.
3 new armor variants (+ USA, prepared much earlier) were incorporated as a late addition to the mod before V1 release. The concept of multiple armor variants were included in response to community expressed desire for more options, to incorporate other ores and as an added bonus to the Queens Cavalry streams where Lace, Hannah, Riley and Red could have their own variant.
The Emerald horse armor was inspired by Elven-style aesthetics in the deep green and gold, but also with the bright red chest and feathered wings of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
Netherite Horse Armor
Rarity color: | Special |
Durability: | None |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | No |
Netherite Horse Armor is crafted 1 Emerald and 1 of any max-tier Horse Armor (Amethyst, Copper, Emerald)
When equipped this armor grants all the same perks as Amethyst Horse Armor.
3 new armor variants (+ USA, prepared much earlier) were incorporated as a late addition to the mod before V1 release. The concept of multiple armor variants were included in response to community expressed desire for more options, to incorporate other ores and as an added bonus to the Queens Cavalry streams where Lace, Hannah, Riley and Red could have their own variant.
The Netherite horse armor was designed with dragon style wings and a dark/gothic palate - in contrast to normal bright variants of tack and items.
Armors are a final addition to a full Adventure Armor tack set (Bridle, Saddle, Blanket, Girth, Breastcollar and Leg Wraps). It is placed in a slot that is also used by Pasture Blankets - both items cannot be used at once.
Right click a fully (adventure) tacked horse with armor in-hand to equip it. Alternately, Shift + Right click a tamed SWEM Horse to open the horse GUI and place the horse armor in the armor slot.
Tack-equip order: Bridle > Blanket > Saddle > Girth Strap. Optional: Breast collar, Leg Wraps, Horse Armor, Saddle Bag
In Client Configs, players can alter the opacity at which they view wings when equipped. You can also toggle their visibility in game with full stop / period keybind - which can be remapped if necessary.
In V1, flight will not be enabled on initial release. The feature is unstable and requires more development and testing.
Shown: Cloth, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Amethyst, Emerald, Copper, Netherite and USA variants.
Known Issues
- [-] Armor cannot be 'hotswapped' like other tack pieces.
PRE 1.18.2
This is not a complete list of version changes / fixes. It is a changelog of relevant wiki-related version information.
MC Version | Release | Notes |
1.18.2 |
1.18.2- [Beta] |
Amethyst Horse Armor uses new Shining Amethyst Shards. |
Cloth Horse Armor accepts any item with a minecraft:carpet tag (including modded carpets). | ||
Copper Horse Armor recipe changed from 1 Gold Ingot to 1 Copper Ingot. | ||
1.16.5 | 1.16.5- |
[Deprecated |
Data values