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Grain Feeder

Description: A Grain Feeder is a block that can hold Sweet Feed for SWEM Horses. It comes in 16 colors.


Renewable: Yes


Yes (64)
Tool:Pickaxe (Any)
Blast Resistance:
Blast Resistance:Hardness:
Luminant: No
Flammable: No
Flammable (Lava): No


Grain feeders can be crafted with 1 Dried Kelp, 1 Bucket and 1 Dye of a corresponding color.



(Dec 2022) The current needs system is broken. An improved immersive food/water feature is planned rather than 'patching' the old needs system. This will not be a quick fix and requires testing. It is planned to be incorporated to 1.16 and future 1.18 versions when it is stable.

Grain feeders can hold 1 portion of Sweet Feed., right-click a feeder with a bag of Sweet Feed in hand to fill it up. When thereSweet Feed is sweetadded, feedthe intexture one,will change indicating the the feeder is full. SWEM Horses maywill comeeat from accessible grain and eat it.

The texture of a grain feeder is changedhay-feeders when sweet feed is placed in it.hungry.


Right-click a block with a grain feeder in hand to place it against a wall or on the ground. When a grain feeder is placed at the intersection of two blocks, its appearance is different; it becomes a corner piece.piece that connects to both corners.
The recommended placement of grain feeders is around one block up from the ground, or two for near full-thickness shavings areas of stalls. 

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A normal Grain Feeder beside a corner one. Grain Feeders with sweet feed in them.


Known Issues

  • [Rarely] Horses may not be able to access feeders (hay or grain) that are surrounded by shavings on all sides. This issue can often be resolved by making sure feeders are clear from surrounding shavings, or grain feeders placed 1 block up above thin shaving layers.

Data values