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Desensitization Items

Description: Desensitization Items are a group of items that can help raise Affinity with SWEM Horses.


Rarity color: Common
Renewable: Yes
Stackable: Yes (64)



Shopping Bag

Shopping bags can be crafted with 3 dried kelp as shown.



Tarps can be crafted with 4 dried kelp as shown.



Hoolahoops can be crafted with 4 sticks as shown.



Bells can be crafted with 1 refined leather and 3 buttons (any vanilla button) as shown.


Pom pom

Pom poms can be crafted with 3 sugarcane and 1 stick as shown.




Desensitization items are used to make a horse resilient to 'scary' stimulus and improving the trust (connection) with their rider. In game, use of desensitization items increases a horse's Affinity

To use any of these items, right click a SWEM Horse while holding the item. Initially they will respond with Red (Angry) particles and could buck or rear, indicating they are frightened. As you continue to right click, eventually they will emit Gray (Meh) particles to show the item is tolerated - you will receive no Affinity.

You can only use one desensitization item each (Minecraft) day for a scaling Affinity boost. The item can be used up to 7 times per day. After 3 days of consecutive use, horses will become accustomed to it and cannot receive any more affinity with that specific item. 

1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day
Affinity EXP (Per use)


A frightened and bucking horse can harm nearby entities. Nearby SWEM horses may kick out if harmed, and can initiate a fatal 'kick-off'. It is recommended you use desensitization items in a controlled area such as an arena or stall.