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Horse Welfare Standards

Welfare Regulations

These requirements are enacted to help players adapt to standards that will be mandatory on SWE'sSWE release.servers. These standards are not only representative of good welfare for horses, but could potentially be integrated as systems impacting horse health and happiness in the mod for future releases.

Note: SWE/M Horses will be mentioned as "horses", while vanilla horses are mentioned as "ponies". This page does not cover pony care.

Building / Barn Principles

Official SWE servers do not permit the use of barrier blocks in building to secure clear structural escape points.

The following should always be considered for SWEM horses:

Doorways - 2B+ Wide and 4B+ tall (minimum)
Walkways - 5B+ Wide and 5B+ tall (4.5 optional on edges for detailing if using stairs or slabs) (minimum)
Secure - It is recommended:

  • All barn areas or property access routes have a secure gate to prevent escape.
  • Make walls or barriers tall enough to avoid escape, check perimeter for blocks they can use to jump over!
  • Avoid using scalable blocks that horses can hop over (unless 2B+): single blocks, glass pane, bars.
    • Non-scalable blocks are 1.5B and include walls and fences.

  • Horses cannot jump on troughs or feeders unless another block or high shavings level allows them to step upup.
  • onto it.

    Official SWEM servers do not recommend (SWE will not allow) the use of barrier blocks in building to secure escape points.

    Food & Water

    Horses should always have reasonable access to:

    Water - As either a replenishing (infinite) water source or adequately filled water container (trough, half barrel).
    Food - As either forage (grazing on grass) or feed (quality bale, timothy, alfalfa or sweet feed)


    Stall requirements are implemented for welfare and safety of both horse and rider. A good sized stall allows a horse space to turn around in, lay down (future feature) and decreases the chances of them getting stuck in walls (small stalls). It allows space for a rider to provide unobstructed feed items, bedding, and to safely interact with and maneuver a horse into and out of the stall.

    Fundamentals (Information) couldoverheatorhorse.

    Fundamentals - Stalls                                 
    Location Horses must always be housed above ground - completely underground stalls are never permitted as they prohibit fresh air, natural light, and are threat to flood. Minimum 50% above ground.

    AStalls safeshould be a safe, secure and sheltered area with dry,food, comfortablewater, footingdry and accesssoft footing.

    HeightStalls must be 5 blocks in height (floor to constantceiling) foodexcluding 4.5 being permitted at edges for decor.
    Width / Length

    Stalls must be 5B+ in both width and water.length to allow turning, lying down, movement and handling.
    Stalls must have a turnout (paddock) if they are not 7x7 or 6x8 or larger.
    TheStall minimumfloorspace required(blocks) only counts usable area (inincluding blocks)feeders whichetc but excludes walls and doorways.excluding 
    Detail: Troughs, feeders, and shavings can be placed within the stall, they do not impact floorspace.
    Footing must be soft and non-slip, ideally easily cleanable and non-digestible. Unsafe footing will either not be counted for floorspace or be cause for a welfare check/bump to change the footing.walls/doorways.
    Width / LengthFooting AStall minimumfooting ofmust 5x5be blocksclean, (Width x Length) of floorspace to comfortably allow turning, lying down, movementsoft and animalnon-slip handling.such as rubber matting or shavings.
    HeightStalls should be 5 blocks in height at its lowest point (floor to ceiling).

    Stalls should be well lit with an element ofindirect natural lighting (iethrough window,windows, bars, half slabs)slabs butor be protected from most direct sunlight. trapdoors.
    Detail:Stalls Skylightsshould not feature skylights (roof windows) that exceed 25% or more of that stall's roof area.
    Stalls should be 15%well orventilated lesswith offeatures stallpermitted roofto blocksencourage -airflow too(bars, muchhalf directslabs sunlightetc)
    Stalls must be secure with no escape points such as step ups to get over walls/gates etc.

    WithStalls the exception of foaling stalls, stalls areshould not intendedbe merged for multiple occupancy unless two regulation stalls are merged andaccess can be blockeddivided off again ifas needed.
    Foaling Stalls are an exception to this rule - dam and foal may share occupancy of a single stall.

    4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 INDEX
    4 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48
    Not permitted (too small/large)
    5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
    Not permitted (poor use of space)
    6 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72
    Permitted with a paddock (5x5+)
    7 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84
    8 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
    Recommended sizing
    9 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108
    Foaling stall (Minimum recommended sizes)
    10 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Foaling stalls are for pregnant mares (V2) and mares with nursing foals. These stalls are expected to be larger than standard regulations for comfort and safety.
    11 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132
    12 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144


    Paddocks are smallfenced enclosedin 'runs' attachedattachments to a stall, itwhich can offer limited grazing space or just outdoor access with soft footing.footing for horses with restricted (small) stall areas. They might also be referred to as a 'run' or a 'walkout'.

    Fundamentals (Information)


    a requirement,thenits Paddocks extendthefloorspacenot shared owner/stablestaffare Paddocks should escapepoints(breaksinfences,step

    Fundamentals - Paddocks                                   

    stall does not require a paddock, these rules do not apply providing the space is safe and secure.

    Paddocks are only required ifunless the floorspace of a stall does not meet minimum requirements. Otherwise, it is an optional but always recommended addition.

    A paddock is intended to extend the floorspace of a smaller (interior) stall and allow access to fresh air, grass, and sunlight.

    It is not intended for,meets or substituteexceeds to,6x8 turning a horse out into a pasture for grazing, exercise, and/or socialization.

    The minimum required area (in blocks) which excludes walls, fences, and doorways.

    Detail:Purpose Troughs and feeders can be placed within the paddock, they do not impact floorspace.

    area of smaller stalls, or provide a walkout into fresh air and sunlight.
    Ifpasture aturnout stallfor requiresgrazing, aexercise paddock+/- tosocialization meetwith the minimum sizing requirements, horses should have constant access to both areas.


    Paddock paddocks,areas stallsshould mustalways havebe aaccessible door(open) toif close off access to athe stall if/when a horse is beingsmaller fedthan 6x8 or temporarily7x7 isolated.

    can be closed off Exception:temporarily Short periods of times for tacking, feeding, tackingmucking up, awaiting exerciseout or turnoutisolating whilehorses.
    Width online./ Length
    Paddocks must be 5B+ in both width and length to allow turning, lying down, movement and handling.
    Paddock area (blocks) only counts usable space including feeders etc but excluding walls/fences etc.
    Paddock footing must be clean, soft and natural - grass or dirt is recommended.

    not have extreme terrain - instead level or gently sloping (1:3 grade) for 75%+ area.
    Sunlight Paddock
    Paddocksareas should be uncovered fromby all but a 1one block wide roof overhang (iffrom applicable).

    Terrain should be even, or with a gradual slope 1:3 blocks. Does not necessarily have to be grass butPaddocks must be softsecure terrain.

    ups to get over the fence).
    SecurityOccupancy Fences/wallsPaddocks can be merged together between stalls, provided the capacity meets min. 5x5B per horse.

    All paddocks must be at least 1.5b5X5, (1but fence/wall/block)it andis ideally 2b+ (Double fence, single with a half fence on top, double block).

    Shared Space

    Paddocks may be shared between stalls provided that the paddocks meet the size requirements of ALL stalls sharing accessrecommended to it.

    Horses should always have at least one corner of their stall and/or paddock to hide from sight. Over-socialized horses may become irritable, fearful, or buddy sour.

    All paddocks should be at least 5 wide x 5 long, but depending on the size of your stall it may be thatuse the width of the externalstall, wallsuch varies. Exampleas a 7 x 86X6 stall couldhaving havea an6X5 7 x 5 or an 8 x 5 paddock depending on which way the stallpaddock.
    It is rotated. 

    As a general rule, we do not recommendrecommended to make paddocks be any larger than 3x the sizecapacity of the stall,stall andas somethis largerwill maximumcreate paddocksvery dolong, notthin resultruns. in an ideal shape.

    Paddock Size Chart (Min/Max)


    Stall Size | Paddock Size


    Stall Size | Paddock Size

    5 x 5 5 x 5 5 x 15
    5 x 6 5 x 5 5 x 18 6 x 15
    5 x 7  5 x 5 5 x 21 7 x 15
    5 x 8 5 x 5  5 x 24 8 x 15

    5 x 9

    5 x 5 5 x 27 9 x 15
    5 x 10 5 x 5 5 x 30 10 x 15
    5 x 11 5 x 5 5 x 33 11 x 15
    6 x 6 6 x 5 6 x 18
    6 x 7 6 x 5 6 x 21 7 x 18 
    6 x 8 6 x 5 6 x 24 8 x 18
    6 x 9 6 x 5 6 x 27 9 x 18
    6 x 10 6 x 5 6 x 30 10 x 18
    6 x 11 6 x 5 6 x 33 11 x 18
    7 x 7 7 x 5 7 x 21
    7 x 8 7 x 5 7 x 24 8 x 21
    7 x 9 7 x 5 7 x 27 8 x 21
    7 x 10 7 x 5 7 x 30 8 x 21
    7 x 11 7 x 5 7 x 33 8 x 21
    8 x 8 8 x 5 8 x 24
    8 x 9 8 x 5 8 x 27 9 x 24
    8 x 10 8 x 5 8 x 30 10 x 24
    8 x 11 8 x 5 8 x 33 11 x 24
    9 x 9 9 x 5 9 x 27
    9 x 10 9 x 5 9 x 30 10 x 27
    9 x 11 9 x 5 9 x 33 11 x 27
    10 x 10 10 x 5 10 x 30
    10 x 11 10 x 5 10 x 33 11 x 30
    11 x 11 11 x 5 11 x 33


    Pastures (by SWEM'SWE's definition) differ to paddocks as they are generally larger and intended for sustainable, longer-term grazing, exercise, and solo or group turnout of several horses at a time. 

    Pasture size regulations allows for adequate space (~11x11) for each horse and sufficient grazing area to meet the daily nutritional needs of a horse and to sustain a horse fully when out to pasture (120B). However, this represents the absolute minimum requirement for space and nutrition, we still encourage 15x15B (225B) per horse as standard!

    Fundamentals (Information)



    Fundamentals - Pastures                                

    from paddocks by their size and either being separate from, or closed of to, stalls.

    APaddocks pastureoffer horses a larger and more enriching turnout space to graze, exercise and socialize.
    AccessPasture entrances (gates) must be a minimum of 2 block wide and 4 block tall (headspace).
    AreaPastures must offer a minimum 120B (~11x11) per horse, plus an additional 240B per 10 horse capacity.
    Width / LengthPastures must be 11B+ in both width and length - avoid extremely thin pastures which restrict movement.
    FloorspacePasture area (blocks) only counts usable space including feeders etc but excluding walls/fences etc.
    FootingPastures should have soft, natural footing with mostly soil-type blocks (grass, dirt etc).
    TerrainPastures should not have extreme terrain - instead level or gently sloping (1:3 grade) for 50%+ area.
    GrazingPastures should offer mostly grass, but dry lots (no grass) are permitted if bales are provided at all times.
    WaterPastures should have water via troughs or natural sources sufficient to meet the maximum capacity.

    Pasture shelter should offer 3x3B per horse with protection from elements such as sun, rain, wind or snow.
    Pasture shelters must have 2-3+ edges weather protection (walls etc) and be 5B+ from floor to ceiling.
    Pasture shelter may be substituted for natural shelter (trees) if there is intendedsufficient coverage and density!

    Boarding facilities must offer full-capacity structure shelters instead of natural shelter.

    SecurePastures must be secured with 1.5-2B+ fences/walls and no escape points (step ups to turnget aover horse out into for passive exercise, socialising, and grazing. It is not considered the same as a paddock since horses are moved to and from a pasture by the player.fences).
    Occupancy Pastures can only accommodate as many horses as it can (sustain) grazing and shelter for.
    Grazing Area
    Pastures require a minimum of 120 blocks per horse to sustain 100% grass feeding (if necessary).
    Pastures require an additional 240 blocks per additional 10 horses to prevent crowding.

    120B per horse represents the minimum to sustain needs/space - more is always encouraged!


    Pasture shelter should protect horses from the elements (sun, rain, wind, snow) with dry, firm footing.
    Pasture shelter (structures) must be a minimum of 5B tall (lowest point) from ground to roof. Each shelter should have at least 2B tall walls on 2-3+ edges for wind and rain cover.
    Pasture shelter can count natural shelter of trees if dense enough to offer coverage + meet capacity.
    Pasture shelter must offer 3x3 minimum floorspace for each horse (excluding feed/water amenities).

    Boarding facilities must offer full-capacity structure shelters instead of natural shelter.


    Pastures must be secure with no escape points (breaks in fences, step ups to get over the fence).

    Pasture fences must be 1.5-2B+. Use of 1 full fence and one half fence on top is recommended.

    Pastures must not be narrower than 11 blocks on the shortest edge.
    Pasture entrances (gates) must be a minimum of 2 block wide and 4 block tall (headspace).
    Pastures will ideally have grass, but it is permitted to have dry lots (no grass) provided the footing is soft, natural and giving, such as with dirt, coarse dirt or grass path. Horses will require bales!
    Pastures should not have extreme terrain - instead level or gently sloping (1:3 grade) for 50%+ area.

    Calculating Pasture Requirements

    Pastures need a minimum of 120B+ per horse (~11x11) + 240B additional per 10 horses. 
    We recommend 225B per horse (15x15) for either solo or higher capacity pastures for a good balance of space and grazing.

    Work out pasture area: Multiply the long edge (# blocks) by the short edge = area. This is the inner space excluding fences. 
    Work out pasture capacity: Divide the pasture area by 120 = approximate capacity, or use our quick reference chart below!
    --- Example: 980B area divided by 120 = 8 Horses. That is 8.1 rounded down to 8 as you cannot accommodate 0.1 of a horse.
    Work out pasture length: If you know one edge and the capacity, divide capacity by the length and you'll get the width.
    --- Example: 700 required capacity divided by 30B on one edge = 24B (23.3) width.

    Pasture Size Chart
    Number of horses Base requirement (120/h) 10+ horse add-on (240/10h) Total
    1 120 0 120
    2 240 0 240
    3 360 0 360
    4 480 0 480
    5 600 0 600
    6 720 0 720
    7 840 0 840
    8 960 0 960
    9 1080 0 1080
    10 1200 240 (1 x 240) 1440
    11 1320 240 1560
    12 1440 240 1680
    13 1560 240 1800
    14 1680 240 1920
    15 1800 240 2040
    16 1920 240 2160
    17 2040 240 2280
    18 2160 240 2400
    19 2280 240 2520
    20 2400 480 (2 x 240) 2880
    21 2520 480 3000
    22 2640 480 3120
    23 2760 480 3240
    24 2880 480 3360
    25 3000 480 3480
    26 3120 480 3600
    27 3240 480 3720
    28 3360 480 3840
    29 3480 480 3960
    30 3600 480 4080


    Our server is deeply rooted in respect for animals and their welfare. This does not just include their amenities in stalls, provision of needs via food, shelter and turnout. It also includes their overall treatment. We encourage (and * enforce) the following:

    • * Horses should have safe, secure and welfare standard accommodation(s).
    • * Horses should have reliable access to food and water.
    • * Horses should have routine cleaning of stall and turnout spaces.
    • * Horses should be untacked when the owner is offline, or do not require the horse for an extended period of time.
    • * Horses should not be left tethered when the owner is offline - as they will be unable to attend to their needs.
    • * Horses should not be harmed or killed inhumanely by any player.
    • Owners should take every effort to keep their horse safe while riding (see below).
    • Owners should treat their horse with respect; avoiding derogatory language, abuse, or abandonment.


    COMINGAlways SOON!nametag and have an EXACT copy of your horses name noted down. If lost, Mods+ can search for them by name.

    We regret that we cannot return or replace lost horses at this time - please be careful and avoid danger wherever possible.

    Horses are susceptible to a number of dangers - many of which are core Minecraft mechanics, and others that are specific to the nature of mods and modded entities. Making our horses more resilient to damage is something under constant adaptation.

    • Do not plot fly when leading - horses may kick when hurt on landing, the combination of fall + kick damage is deadly.
    • Do not attempt to jump or gait up in close proximity to players or horses - kick refusals can harm nearby players/horses.
    • Do not hit or harm a horse in close proximity to players or horses - horses may kick when harmed, causing a kick-off.
    • Do not let horses roam around saplings - on growth these can suffocate a horse.
      Hitch your horse up safely outside of the growth zone and well away from potential expansion areas.
    • Do not let horses roam or ride on lava or magma blocks - unless wearing diamond armor this will harm them.
    • Do not let horses roam or ride into cactus or (grown) sweetberries - unless wearing iron armor this will harm them.
    • Do not ride if your horse is starving or critically thirsty- neglect depletes their maximum health down to 6 HP (image.png image.png image.png)
    • Avoid frostwalking during lag and at higher gaits - horses may suffocate in ice if they fall into the water.
    • Avoid riding quickly over terrain where you might fall into ravines - horses take fall damage down to 6 HP (image.png image.png image.png)
    • Avoid or dismount and move away from your horse if targeted by ranged hostile mobs such as Skeletons or Witches.
      You can die and come back, unfortunately your horse cannot (currently). It's better to not risk their life.
    • Be cautious with foals + dams sharing stalls, on growth they may suffocate in walls.
      This is due to hitbox sizes. We recommend using large foaling stalls, or even keeping dams and foals out to pasture.
    • Avoid taking your horse into PVP zones where they might get caught in the crossfire.
      On SWE servers, targeting another player's horse is NOT permitted, but accidents can happen. 
      If you target someone while on your horse, do not expect them not to attack back when you are the aggressor.
    • Avoid taking your horse into dangerous dimensions such as the Nether or Wilds if you do not need to.
      If you must do so, wear high-level armor or even hitch up your horse at a safe spot and travel by foot occasionally.

    You can apply to get a booster shot, which adds 20HP (image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png) temporarily to their health.

    Rescue and Destroying

    TherePlease aredo twonot waysdestroy to(kill) removehorses ayourself horseon fromSWE yourservers care.- Itmercy blades will not work on horses anymore, so there is veryno importantinsta-destroy tooption noteshort thatof thiscommands. isIf ONLYyou forno longer want them, turn them into the ownerrescue ofand we will handle it humanely, or rehome the horse andto someone that does notwant apply to anyone not owning the animal. them.


    Horses can be donatedsurrendered to the Rescue via the Lost & Found pasturepasture. Place them in Pasture A and complete a Forfeit Horse form.form Please- fillthis outis found in the Rescue office. The form (is just 2 questions),questions and leavewill thenot horsetake in Pasture A.long. A Rescue worker will process the horse and tag in Discord when complete. Please see the RecueRescue Board in-game for more detail. Note, once surrendered you forfeit all claims to that Horse, and it become property of the rescue. Where possible, surrendered horses will be rehomed - if up for adoption you can apply to readopt. We are unable to guarantee that all horses will be placed up for adoption, as population management or demand does not always permit this.

    DestroyingSale or Rehome

    HorsesYou can alsoprivately sell or rehome (give away) your horse to another player if you so choose. On doing so, you will be destroyedresponsible asfor longthe agreement of any exchanged funds, items and the transfer of ownership via commands. We will NOT transfer a horse between you and another player unless you give your express consent to do so, please be sure to have a clear trail of communication via in-game chat or (preferred) DM screenshots in case this ever needs to be disputed. Once you - and only you as the owner iscan transfer besides moderators - transfer ownership to another player, you forfeit ALL claims to that horse. Do not do so lightly, if you change your mind the onenew owner is fully within their rights to destroyrefuse theresale animal.or Staff may have to destroy the horse but only under extensive situations. A horse may only be destroyed via a Mercy Blade. It is considered a fast, painless, merciful death. Any other purposeful death will be considered abusive and may result in Charges.return.