Sugar Cube
Description: A sugar cube is an item that improves the affinity of SWEM Horses.
Rarity color: | Common |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | Yes (64) |
Durability: | Yes (Single use) |
Sugar Cubes come in a single (white) color.
16 sugar cubes can be crafted with 4 Sugar.
Sugar cubes are a sweet treat that can be fedused to improve the trust (connection) with their rider, increasing a horse's SWEMAffinity Horses,by 5 each time one increasingis given. A horse will consume as many sugar cubes as are given with no negative result, however only the first sugar cube given will increase affinity and any consecutive treats will not have an effect until more time has passed. Players can determine whether affinity was gained by five.the particles given out; green ("yay") particles indicate the treat was enjoyed and affinity increased, while orange ("ech") means the horse was indifferent to extra treats or enough time has not elapsed since the last treat was given.
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