Server Config
The SWEM Serverserver Configconfig adds world-specific configurable settings for features like needs, tack, skills etc. It can be opened and edited with anya simple text documentediting editorprogram (like Notepad), and can be found in the following places;
If you are editing the Server Config on a singleplayer worldSingleplayer:
ForInstanceForge:>- Minecraft
OnFolderWindows:(Right Sidebar) > Saves > [World Name] > Serverconfig > swem-server.toml
CurseForge: Profile > ... (next to play) > Open Folder > Saves > [World Name] > Serverconfig > swem-server.toml
Forge (Windows):[user]/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves/[world name]/serverconfig/swem-server.toml
On(Mac):Mac:~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/[world name]/serverconfig/swem-server.toml
ForgeFor MultiMC: Click on your instance > "Minecraft Folder" on the right sidebar > "saves" folder > [world name] > "serverconfig" folder >swem-server.tomlFor CurseForge: Click on your modpack > three dots next to the "Play" button > "Open Folder" > "saves" folder > [world name] > "serverconfig" folder >swem-server.toml
IfMultiplayer you(Server)
[server root]/[world name]/serverconfig/swem-server.toml
If the config file isn'tis not in the folder, then try running the world again to generate it.
If its still not there, copy/paste the belowfull default config (below) into a .txt file, edit the config numbersvalues as you wish, name it 'swem-server.toml', and put the .txt file into the folder. The server should read it upon next start-up.
Configs Explained
Config: Short for configuration, which means to change something to your preference.
Default: Means the one that is preset. If at any time you need to reset, the default config is always okay to return to.
Lines: Configs are read by the computer in lines, like programming code. The lines staying the way they are is very important.
#: Means everything in that line of the config will not be read by the computer. Changes made here will effect nothing.
Spawn: To appear and exist within game.
Chunk: Minecraft is divided into 16x16 block 'chunk' that make it easier for the game to load in smaller pieces.
Vein: Ores spawn in groups, called veins.
Y Level: Y Level is a position of height, like up or down. Going up stairs increases Y Level and going down stairs decreases it.
Enable/Disable: To allow or not allow. Like Yes or No.
Remember the primary rule for configs: Do not change ANY text that is not clearly written as a change like true/false, numbers, and lists. These changeable things will be clearly defined and look like test questions.
Horse Care
# || Enable Food need ticking on swem horses? (Default = True = Yes)
foodTick = true
This says: Turn on or off the need to eat. Must be True or False. Default is True.
Need for food effects horse ability. If the horse isn't fed often enough, it will not be able to gait up when riding.
Turning this off means the horse will no longer be limited by need for food.
This system is broken on V1 release and will be fixed when possible.
# || Enable Water need ticking on swem horses? (Default = True = Yes)
waterTick = true
This says: Turn on or off the need to drink. Must be True or False. Default is True.
Need for water effects horse ability. If the horse isn't fed often enough, it will not be able to gait up when riding.
Turning this off means the horse will no longer be limited by need for water.
# || Make hunger thirst system base on IRL days? ONLY recommended for hyper-realistic servers.
multiPlayerHungerThirst = false
This says: Make the horse's need to eat or drink based on real life 24hours, not in game 24 hours. Must be True or False. Default is True.
Not recommended for servers unless they want to dramatically decrease needs for horses. Chunks will need to be loaded for a full DEFAULT24 Config:hours for the needs of horses within to decrease - this likely means horses will not eat for many days or even weeks depending on how regularly the horse is loaded (ie rarely for remote properties or occasional players, more for central/spawn locations).
# || Enable Poop ticking on swem horses? (Default = True = Yes)
poopTick = true
This says: Turns on or off the need to poop. Must be True or False. Default is True.
This effects nothing but horse care. If you don't want the habit of cleaning stalls, turn this to False.
# || Specify in seconds the interval between each poop cycle.
# || We recommend '1800' (30min) for singleplayer, and '2700' (45min) for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
poopInterval = 960
This says: How often your horses will poop. It must be more than 1. Default is 960.
This is in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second. The higher the number, the less they poop.
# || Enable Pee ticking on swem horses? (Default = True = Yes)
peeTick = true
This says: Turns on or off the need to pee. Must be True or False. Default is True.
This effects nothing but horse care. If you don't want the habit of cleaning stalls, turn this to False.
# || Specify in seconds the interval between each pee cycle.
# || We recommend '1800' (30min) for singleplayer, and '2700' (45min) for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
peeInterval = 930
This says: How often your horses will pee. It must be more than 1. Default is 930.
This is in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second. The higher the number, the less they pee.
# || Specify how many seconds it takes for the parent to be able to breed again?
# || We recommend '1800' (30min) for singleplayer, and '28800' (8hr) for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
horseInLoveInSeconds = 1800
This says: How many seconds it takes before horses can breed again? It must be more than 1. Default is 1800.
1800seconds = 30minutes
# || Specify how many seconds it takes for the foal to growp up?
# || We recommend '1800' (30min) for singleplayer, and '28800' (8hr) for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
foalAgeInSeconds = 1800
This says: How many seconds it takes for the foal to grow up? It must be more than 1. Default is 1800.
1800seconds = 30minutes
# || Specify how many seconds it takes for the foal to growp up?
# || We recommend '1800' (30min) for singleplayer, and '28800' (8hr) for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
foalAgeInSeconds = 1800
Tack Dependencies
# || Is the Bridle slot required before equipping a Blanket? (Default = True = Yes)
needBridle = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Bridle to equip a Saddle Blanket.
Must be True or False. Default is True.
This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
# || Is the Blanket slot required before equipping a Saddle? (Default = True = Yes)
needBlanket = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Saddle Blanket to be placed first before putting the Saddle on.
Must be True or False. Default is True.
This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
# || Is the Saddle slot required before equipping the Girth Strap, Breast Collar, and/or Saddlebag? (Default = True = Yes)
needSaddle = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Saddle to be placed first before putting the Girth Strap, Breastcollar or Saddlebag on.
Must be True or False. Default is True.
This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
# || The Rider and Saddle should fall off if there is no Girth Strap equipped. (Default = True = Yes)
needGirthStrap = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Girth Strap to keep the Saddle on.
Must be True or False. Default is True.
This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
# || Are all Tack slots required before equipping Horse Armor? (Default = True = Yes)
needAll = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for Horse Armor to require a full (Adventure) Tack Set - all 6 pieces.
Must be True or False. Default is True.
This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
# || The Bridle is needed to steer the horse. (If disabled, you would still need a saddle). (Default = True = Yes)
needBridleToSteer = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Bridle to steer the horse.
Must be True or False. Default is True.
Disabling this does effect gameplay. If this is False, you will only need a Saddle to command the horse while riding.
Horse Experience Levels
# || Amount of XP required to max a horse's Speed stat.
# || We recommend '13500' for singleplayer, and '100000' for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
maxSpeedXP = 13500
# || Amount of XP required to max a horse's Jump stat.
# || We recommend '13500' for singleplayer, and '100000' for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
maxJumpXP = 13500
# || Amount of XP required to max a horse's Health stat.
# || We recommend '13500' for singleplayer, and '100000' for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
maxHealthXP = 13500
# || Amount of XP required to max a horse's Affinity stat.
# || We recommend '17000' for singleplayer, and '50000' for multiplayer.
#Range: > 1
maxAffinityXP = 17000
This says: How much experience points are required to fully level a skill. Must be greater than 1. Default is 13500 for Speed, Jump and Health, or 17000 for Affinity.
Decrease these values if you would like to spend less time training horses, or increase one/specific/all to spend longer. For multiplayer servers it is highly recommended to increase Jump, if not all, skills to provide longevity of commitment to training a horse, and make the potential for server competitions being higher prestige the higher a horse's level is.
Currently the health skill can only be maxed with XP potions - this feature will be implemented in future.
Server Admin Settings
Settings specifically aimed at Multiplayer servers to help manage or promote survival economies, horse acquisition and population.
# || Enable Coat Cycling (via lapis lazuli and redstone)?
# || Do not enable if the server is multiplayer and has an economy.
allowCoatCycling = true
This says: Turns on or off the ability to Lapis/Redstone flip through coats. Must be True or False. Default is True.
Turn this to False if you have an economy on your server around coat rarity or breeding. When disabled, new coats can only be acquired via converting vanilla ponies (if permitted), breeding horses selectively or summon commands.
# || Can Secret Coats be obtained via Secret Items? (Default = True = Yes)
# || Do not enable if the server is multiplayer and has an economy.
allowSecretCoats = true
This says: Turns on or off the ability to make secret coats using their special items. Must be True or False. Default is True.
Turn this to False if you want to make secret coats obtainable only with server staff approval, or not at all. When disabled, secret coats can only be acquired with summon commands.
# || Enable Breeding Tokens? This limits breeding of horses and ponies to Tokens while preventing feed from escalating foal growth time.
# || Enable if the server is multiplayer and has an economy.
tokensBreeding = false
This says: Turns on or off the ability to breed and create SWEM horses normally. Must be True or False. Default is True.
Turn this to False if you want to make SWEM horses only obtainable via the server (rescue etc) or with permitted breeding (creative-only breeding tokens sold or given to players). When disabled, SWEM horses can only be bred with creative-only breeding tokens or spawned by summon commands. Cantazarite potions will NOT work on vanilla ponies.
Full (Default) Config
Full Default Config 1.18.2
If you notice errors in your world or changes you don't like but don't know how to undo the changes to config you made, shut down the server and replace the config with this default one and the config will be reset.
PRE 1.18.2
This is not a complete list of version changes / fixes. It is a changelog of relevant wiki-related version information.
MC Version | Release | Notes |
1.18.2 | 1.18.2- | Added server admin configurables for secret coats and breeding tokens. |
Added saddlebag and breastcollar to saddle configurable. | ||
Reorganised config template to be more logical in sections and added helpful explanations for various configurable values. |
Full Default Config 1.16.5
#Enable Lapis Lazuli coat cycling?
lapisCycle = true
#Specify in seconds the interval between each poop cycle.
#Range: > 1
poopInterval = 960
#Specify in seconds the interval between each pee cycle.
#Range: > 1
peeInterval = 930
#Enable Food need ticking on swem horses?
foodTick = true
#Enable Pee ticking on swem horses?
peeTick = true
#Enable Water need ticking on swem horses?
waterTick = true
#Make hunger thirst system base on IRL days? (Preferred option for servers.)
multiPlayerHungerThirst = true
#Specify how many seconds it takes for the foal to growp up? (Default is 1800 seconds = 30 minutes)
#Range: > 1
foalAgeInSeconds = 1800
#Specify how many seconds it takes for the parent to be able to breed again? (Default is 1800 seconds = 30 minutes)
#Range: > 1
horseInLoveInSeconds = 1800
#Enable Poop ticking on swem horses?
poopTick = true
[Config."Tack Dependencies"]
#Enable/Disable the halter, being needed for any other tack.
HalterDependency = true
#Enable/Disable the need of a blanket, before saddling up.
NeedBlanket = true
#Enable/Disable the rider falling off the horse, in case there is no girth strap equipped.
RiderFallingOff = true
#Enable/Disable the need of a bridle in order to steer, the horse. (If disabled, you would still need a saddle.)
NeedBridleToSteer = true
#Enable/Disable the need of putting the saddle on, before you can put a girth strap on.
NeedSaddleForGirthStrap = true
If you notice errors in your world or changes you don't like but don't know how to undo the changes to config you made, shut down the server and replace the config with this default one and the config will be reset.
Want to make changes but the configs look scary? Lets break them down.GeneralConfig: Short for configuration, which means to change something to your preference. Default: Means the one that is preset. If at any time you need to reset, the default config is always okay to return to.Lines: Configs are read by the computer in lines, like programming code. The lines staying the way they are is very important.#: Means everything in that line of the config will not be read by the computer. Changes made here will effect nothing.
TermsSpawn: To appear and exist within game.Chunk: Minecraft is divided into 16x16 block 'chunk' that make it easier for the game to load in smaller pieces.Vein: Ores spawn in groups, called veins.Y Level: Y Level is a position of height, like up or down. Going up stairs increases Y Level and going down stairs decreases it.Enable/Disable: To allow or not allow. Like Yes or No.Remember the primary rule for configs: Do not change ANY text that is not clearly written as a change like true/false, numbers, and lists. These changeable things will be clearly defined and look like test questions.
#Enable Lapis Lazuli coat cycling?
lapisCycle = true
This says: Turns on or off the ability to Lapis/Redstone flip through coats. Must be True or False. Default is True.Turn this to False if you have an economy on your server around coat rarity or breeding.
#Specify in seconds the interval between each poop cycle.
#Range: > 1
poopInterval = 960
This says: How often your horses will poop. It must be more than 1. Default is 960.This is in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second. The higher the number, the less they poop.
#Specify in seconds the interval between each pee cycle.
#Range: > 1
peeInterval = 930
This says: How often your horses will pee. It must be more than 1. Default is 930.This is in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 second. The higher the number, the less they pee.
#Enable Food need ticking on swem horses?
foodTick = true
This says: Turns on or off the need to eat. Must be True or False. Default is True.Need for food effects horse ability. If the horse isn't fed often enough, it will not be able to gait up when riding.Turning this off means the horse will no longer be limited by need for food.
#Enable Pee ticking on swem horses?
peeTick = true
This says: Turns on or off the need to pee. Must be True or False. Default is True.This effects nothing but horse care. If you don't want the habit of cleaning stalls, turn this to False.
#Enable Water need ticking on swem horses?
waterTick = true
This says: Turns on or off the need to drink. Must be True or False. Default is True.Need for water effects horse ability. If the horse isn't fed often enough, it will not be able to gait up when riding.Turning this off means the horse will no longer be limited by need for water.
#Make hunger thirst system base on IRL days? (Preferred option for servers.)
multiPlayerHungerThirst = true
This says: Make the horse's need to eat or drink based on real life 24hours, not in game 24 hours. Must be True or False. Default is True.Preferred option for servers because not using this setting means that horses will need to eat/drink/poop/pee 2-3 times per minecraft day of 20minutes. This can be highly overwhelming for servers! Or even the average player with many horses.
#Specify how many seconds it takes for the foal to growp up? (Default is 1800 seconds = 30 minutes)
#Range: > 1
foalAgeInSeconds = 1800
This says: How many seconds it takes for the foal to grow up? It must be more than 1. Default is 1800.1800seconds = 30minutes
#Specify how many seconds it takes for the parent to be able to breed again?
#Range: > 1
horseInLoveInSeconds = 1800
This says: How many seconds it takes before horses can breed again? It must be more than 1. Default is 1800.1800seconds = 30minutes
#Enable Poop ticking on swem horses?
poopTick = true
This says: Turns on or off the need to poop. Must be True or False. Default is True.This effects nothing but horse care. If you don't want the habit of cleaning stalls, turn this to False.
[Config."Tack Dependencies"]
#Enable/Disable the halter, being needed for any other tack.
HalterDependency = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Bridle to be placed first before putting other tack on. Must be True or False. Default is True.This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
#Enable/Disable the need of a blanket, before saddling up.
NeedBlanket = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Saddle to be placed first before putting the Saddle on.Must be True or False. Default is True.This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
#Enable/Disable the rider falling off the horse, in case there is no girth strap equipped.
RiderFallingOff = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Girth Strap to keep the Saddle on.Must be True or False. Default is True.This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
#Enable/Disable the need of a bridle in order to steer, the horse. (If disabled, you would still need a saddle.)
NeedBridleToSteer = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Bridle to steer the horse.Must be True or False. Default is True.Disabling this does effect gameplay. If this is False, you will only need a Saddle to command the horse while riding.
#Enable/Disable the need of putting the saddle on, before you can put a girth strap on.
NeedSaddleForGirthStrap = true
This says: This turns on or off the need for the Saddle to be placed first before putting the Girth Strap on.Must be True or False. Default is True.This feature is only for life-like accuracy. Disabling it does not effect gameplay.
That's all! The whole config cut into bite size chunks! Hope that helped!