Driving Harness
Description: A Driving Harness is an item that can be placed on tamed SWEM Horses.
Rarity color: | Common |
Renewable: | Yes |
Stackable: | Yes (16) |
Durability: | None |
A Driving Harness comes in a single (black) color.
A driving harness requires 4 Black Carpet and 3 Iron Nuggets.
A driving harness is an optional part of any tack set. This tack item can only be used following a bridle.
Right click a tamed SWEM Horse with a driving harness in hand to equip it - or open the horse's GUI menu (shift + right click with an empty hand) to place the item in the designated tack spot. If a horse already has a breast collar on, you can easily 'hotswap' it for another by shift + right-clicking with the new breast collar in hand.
Tack-equip order: Bridle > Blanket > Saddle > Girth Strap. Optional: Breast collar or Driving Harness, Leg Wraps, Saddle Bag
Driving harnesses do not offer any perks or buffs, and you can use it with any other riding tack except a breast collar (share the same slot). The driving harness looks best when the tack (excluding bridle) is unrendered.
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