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Bridle Rack

Description: A bridle rack is a block that can be used to hold Bridles and Halters.


Renewable: Yes


Yes (64)
Tool: Pickaxe (Any)
Blast Resistance: N/A
Hardness: N/A
Luminant: No
Transparent: No
Flammable: No
Flammable (Lava): No


Bridle Racks come in a single (gray/black) color.
A bridle rack can be crafted with 1 Stone block and 1 Stone slab.



Right-click a vertical block with a bridle rack in hand to place. Bridle racks can be mounted on blocks, slabs, fences and wall but look best on full blocks and upside down stairs or top slabs.

A bridle rack can hold one Bridle or Halter at a time. Right-clicking an empty bridle rack with a bridle or halter will place the item, and right-clicking again with an empty hand will remove it.


Bridle rack with all Bridle variants (Western - Adventure - English) and unused version.


Bridle rack with all Halter variants.

Known Issues

  • [-] Right-clicking a used bridle hook in creative does not return the item (only removes it from the hook). At present, players who RRP in creative must either go into survival to use them as intended, use them for decoration only, break the hook to drop the item or pull items out of creative menu each time.

Data values
